4.1 MyID server hardware and software requirements

This section contains details of the hardware (processor, RAM, display, disk space) and operating system requirements for the MyID servers.

The hardware and software described in this section are the minimum required for MyID. If your system does not match or exceed the requirements outlined in this section, contact Intercede for advice, quoting reference SUP-297.

4.1.1 Hardware requirements

SIU references: SIU-001, SIU-002, SIU-003, SIU-004, SIU-005, SIU-006, SIU-007, SIU-203.

Note: These are the minimum requirements for MyID, excluding operating system, Microsoft SQL Server, third party software, dependencies or drivers. Larger implementations may require faster processors, more memory and more disk space to maintain acceptable levels of performance.

4.1.2 Operating systems

SIU reference: SIU-008.

MyID supports the following server operating systems:

4.1.3 PowerShell 5

The MyID installation media provides PowerShell scripts that are run as part of the installation process, including post-install PowerShell scripts that run automatically after installing or uninstalling MyID. These scripts require PowerShell 5. See section 15, Running post-install PowerShell scripts for details of post-install PowerShell scripts.

4.1.4 Additional requirements

SIU references: SIU-034, SIU-035, SIU-036.